Friday 27 October 2017

Human brain Enhancement Drugs, Robotics, And Embedded Chips - Future Students Considered

At our think tank we often think about the future and their ramifications. We have been about to change the normal development of our species, so that it is better for the world we live, our scientifically advanced work and all the worlds we may are in the future - off world civilizations in space, other planets and moons. It's inevitable, but is it right to do? Why don't talk.

One fellow thinker wrote a note to me about this topic and states; "I understand your views on humans and our frailty and weakness ?nternet site ponder the question of are we ready to determine direction in areas such as improving our IQ, Robotic work forces, Utopian values, medical advancement to the point of eliminating "dysfunctional" genes or any altering of our genetic makeup, and so on... "
Image result for Noocube

Good take into account ponder indeed and I guess the real problem in all of this is that adversity creates character, and the Noocube human being mind and will can overcome all, those who fight on against the odds have the most character. I suppose the movie Gatica best demonstrates point. I've never been defeated by anyone who failed to have a huge edge, nor anyone equal to me. But I've crushed most all of them. Why? You don't have to be better - Will - Strength of Character are so much higher.

We should be teaching will of the mind, strength of figure, wisdom, reasoning, thinking, creativeness. Those will be the great equalizers. IQ is merely ONE element, don't get me completely wrong it's one of the very most important, but I'd trade it for Will, if I had to choose, thankfully, I actually don't. Perfection is over rated. I don't want ever tree of every species to check the same, all the branches coming out in the same place, just like a giant Mathematica Fractal. I don't want all people to appear the same, the uniqueness, should be celebrated, good results . all that said higher IQ would be an advantage, even if there will always be weak people.

My fellow thinker also discusses another challenge, regarding know-it-all technocrats who is just not admit that prediction and decision making in complicated chaotic systems usually ends in disaster and he states; "
I question a world society in making decisions such as these while we still are strife with war, captivity, discrimination, my way or the highway mentality, etc... "

To that I might reply; good and you should because Freedom and Liberty and choice are the best way to operate human society. Despite, what's told by those who feel that elite right to choose for everyone else. Adam Smith would acknowledge. If a World Society agrees to freedom and liberty that would enhance the lives of billions of humans - great, however, somehow, I don't see that playing out very well, considering those who'd be running things could have absolute power, we know very well what happens next.